Dr. Mohamed Ramadan Mensli

In light of the growing national focus on advancing the reform process, ensuring the rule of law, and reinforcing the values of integrity, the Libyan Asset Recovery & Management Office (LARMO) was established to reflect a strong and serious political will to build a better future. LARMO is the Libyan entity in charge of recovering any and all illegally obtained Libyan assets anywhere in the world through the implementation of comprehensive strategic plans.
Since its establishment, LARMO has placed great emphasis on organizing its work environment by reinforcing human development principles, improving performance, and building capacity. It has developed a strategy aligned with the national laws, the provisions of the International Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Conventions, and the Presidency Council Resolution 1496 of 2019.
We believe that our country will not move forward in the presence of corruption, so we are striving to achieve our goals of fighting corruption and recovering all Libyan assets abroad. This requires concerted efforts from everyone, from regular citizens to law enforcement bodies.
Accordingly, LARMO continues to build positive relations based on honest communications and progressive cooperation with its local and international partners. We work with regional and global political, legal, and financial entities as the Libyan state’s legitimate and executive authority responsible for the recovery of the country’s assets for the benefit of all Libyan citizens.
The recovery of Libyan assets is not an easy matter, it is a road riddled with obstacles; however, we believe in the Libyan citizens’ right to recover their assets, and we believe in our patriotic experts’ ability to succeed in their mission – history will prove it.
Within this framework, we are pleased to launch LARMO’s website to be an effective means of communication with you, ensuring everyone’s contribution to the recovery of the Libyan people’s rights, anywhere in the world.